Adult Club Membership

The basics...
As an Adult Club Member you will be entitled to the use of all of the club's equipment and facilities. If new to the sport and the equipment this will initially be under the guidance of Club officials until such a time as you are confident and competent to go it alone. Coaching is always available on request at any level. All full Adult Members are entitled (and encouraged) to join with the regular membership in the organised weekly adult rowing sessions, where both solo and crew rowing is supported. This is the fastest way to progress with your technique, meet like-minded people and to be able to train for competitions.
Fee: £372 per year
Competition preparation course...
For existing Adult Club Members who decide they would like to try their hand at racing, this one off course will aim to provide a full insight into types of racing, and what pre-requisite skills will be expected by the race officials when you compete. The course focusses on everything from cox and umpires commands to racing starts, fine tuning your boat handling skills and making you more efficient and faster on the water. This course is available to full Club level members. The course comprises of 3 x 1hr segments:
Session 1 - Racing overview, Terminology, Commands and Rules, Perfecting setup.
Session 2 - Technique improvement and advanced drills to assist.
Session 3 - Racing Starts, Timed runs and Training plans.
The L2R-A3C course is free to all Adult Club Members, and also to Recreational Members who upgrade to Full Membership on completion of the course.